
A Modern Making Crayons

I've often said that Sesame Street's "Making Crayons" is the best two minutes to ever air on TV. It is mid-century Sesame Street at its best.

But Mr. Rogers also had a great "how crayons are made" video. And if you have a kid, you know that the new Mr. Rogers is Daniel Tiger. (If you don't have a kid, here's the scoop on Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood. Long story short, it's a cartoon that takes place in the Neighborhood of Make-Believe.)

I was watching Daniel Tiger with the kid the other and Daniel took "A Trip to the Crayon Factory." I'm really happy to see this same concept is being passed on to a new generation. I can only hope the kid's memory of this episode are as rose tinted as mine are of the "Making Crayons" segment.


  1. I still think crayons are magical, so I love all the videos. I remember when I "graduated" to a box of 48, but even more important, I remember when Crayola introduced the box of 64 (with a built-in sharpener, no less!!!). I was 10 years old, and I thought I had died and gone to heaven.

    1. I know exactly what you mean. That built-in sharpener is where it was at when I has a kid.

  2. I LOVED that crayon factory video as a kid! My second favorite: the sugar beet one. I still remember the mustachioed man at the end, sticking his hand into a bag of sugar and saying "SUGAR!" Look it up, you'll get the song stuck in your head. :)

    1. "Beet, beets, sugar beets, beets, sugar, beet, beets." Yep, you're right, that song is probably going to be stuck in my head for the rest of my life.
