
More Mid-Century Stock Art

I mentioned using CSA Images stock art as mid-century art the other day, but I forgot that they already have a partnership with French Paper, so you can buy decor-a-boards and posters (like the one above, which used to hang in our bathroom). French Paper also has free CSA images, if you print them on French Paper, which might be cheaper than buying your own stock art.

I have to say, the decor-a-boards look pretty sweet for only being $14.


  1. Just read your blog for the first time, and I must say you win the Bookmark of the Day! I'm crazy for mid-century ANYTHING, and most recently have been on the prowl for some good ole' retro pics and fonts. Thanks for bringing me up to speed on iStockphoto and the decor-a-board!...
    p.s. I adore So Co Austin and the newly- refurbished 'green' art district east of I-35...My architect niece works there!:)

    1. Thank you so much for the kind words. Glad to be in your bookmarks. And south Congress and east Austin are some of my favorite spots; sounds like your niece is in a great spot.
