
New Year, New Name for My Mid-Century Blog

As I hinted at late last year, I made some minor changes and updates around here. The biggest and most noticeable is the new name: Mad for Midcentury. And the new URL

There were a few reasons behind the name change:
  1. When I started this blog it was literally just an online to-do list for my house, I didn't expect anyone to actually read it. That's changed and I have a decent daily readership. So I wanted to make my mid-century blog easy for everyone to find.
  2. People started asking me about my blog in real life and the old name was a mouthful. Mad for Midcentury is easier to say/remember.
  3. When I started my mid-century blog I didn't read any other mid-century blogs so I didn't know the name Mid-Century Austin Living was really close to another really good mid-century blog: Mid-Century Living. Hopefully the new name is original enough to avoid confusion with any other mid-century blog.
With the change (and as expected) some things are still a bit broken. I'm working on correcting them as quickly as possible (or as quickly as my hosting company answers my emails). But from what I can tell, anyone reading through an RSS reader should be fine, even if you subscribed via the old blogspot URL. I do know that (without the www) is currently broken and not forwarding to the www version and I'm working on getting that fixed. But if you see anything else broken or odd, please let me know.

Thanks for reading (and putting up with any hiccups). Here's to a new year chock-full of mid-century love.

Update: should now redirect to without a problem.


  1. I received this with no apparent problems. Look forward to future posts...

  2. Thanks for the feedback. It's good to hear that most things around here are still working, and that I'm not accidentally leaving out any readers.
