
Mid-Century Flower Beds

Being accepted to the City of Austin Lawn Remodel program got me thinking about the yard again, specifically our flower beds. I want to make sure they have GRACE as well. We have three beds in front of our mid-century ranch home: front, back and side.
Because of the record-breaking heat we've had in Austin this summer, everything in the front bed is dead, most things in the back bed (except the giant tree) are dead and the palm in the side bed is on its last legs. We'll do our best to save the palm, but its too big for that space so we're planning on moving it either way.

Here's what I'm thinking:
In the front flower bed, an entire bed of clover, either Slender Yellow Wood Sorrel (native)
Or White Dutch Clover (adaptive)

In the back flower bed, Blackfoot Daisies (native) to go with the white of the house.

In the side flower bed, something shorter than the palm so we don't cover up the porch and something that adds a bit of texture, either Basket Grass (native)
Or River Fern (native)

I also plan on redoing the woodwork and the sprinkler system (the pipes you see in the photo above), but one thing at a time.


  1. Fort Worth was just as bad. Even with my sprinkler system running, I lost almost everything in my beds, except for cast iron plant. I even lost some monkey grass, and I thought nothing could kill that stuff. I'm going to have to start over with my beds too. I'm considering all grasses.

  2. We actually have one more bed at the end of the driveway, filled with monkey grass. Or at least it was until half of it died. So we might have to redo that one as well. I never thought I'd have to.

    All grasses could be a really nice look - lots of texture and some different heights.
