
Mid-Century Modern Chair on MST3K

I was watching the MST3K version of Santa Conquers the Martians the other day (it's not a movie I would recommend watching the non-MST3K version of). And I noticed something interesting in the background, this mid-century modern chair:
At first I wasn't sure if it was a "martian" movie prop or a chair that was purchased at a store, but after a little research I found out it's a Petal chair by Erwin and Estelle Laverne for Laverne International. (Sometimes they're called a Tulip chair.) They were made in the '60s and are 50" tall by 46" wide by 32" deep.

Here's another shot with better lighting of the base:

And here's a shot of a pair not on a spaceship, but still looking out of this world.
I can see it was used as a futuristic movie prop.


  1. Wow, those are very "lotus" like chairs

  2. Wild chairs! I used to love watching MST3K...brought back old memories!
