
Cheap Mid-Century Modern Furniture: Baxton Studio

A manufacturer's name keeps popping up in my mid-century design circles: Baxton Studio. And I can see why, they seem to make knock offs of some rather famous mid-century furniture designs, with a much smaller price tag.

The question with things like this is always, "What's the quality like?" I've never sat on/seen any Baxton Studio furniture, but they are carried by some major American department stores. In some respects, that leads me to believe that there's a certain level of quality. But my guess is that you're probably getting what you pay for.

That being said, not everyone needs to own an original Eames. And I've got more than one knock off piece in my place that I'm perfectly happy with.

The only real information I could find about Baxton Stuido comes from their less-than-substantial website:
Baxton Studios is a Chicago based division of Wholesale Inteirors, Inc. The Baxton Studios line of furniture was designed to be high quality, have the ability to with stand shipping across the United States and to have a modern feel. We stock around 450 different furniture products at a time and very rapidly change our product line to suit the current styles.
Anyone out there in blog land have experience with Baxton Studio? Was the furniture of decent quality? How do they compare to the originals?


  1. I too would love to hear some folks with experience here. I'm in the market for an Eames rocker and wondering if it is worth it to splurge on the real deal (with color in the plastic rather than painted on).

  2. Specifically on the Eames rocker: from what I've read in a variety of online reviews is that it doesn't look like the real one because it's too white and the paint is a bit spray paint looking. But that could be from people who were expecting an exact copy. I didn't see any/many people complain about the structure of the chair.

  3. I own one, its in the plastic, not sprayed on. Great chair for the price

  4. Years too late for this answer---if there are any other questions I can help you with about this line, let me know- I own and operate Wholesale Interiors / Baxton Studio - -

    1. Hi, Chuck. A few years late on this post, but I think plenty of people still have these questions. I'd love to chat, do a Vintage Views interview or maybe a review. Shoot me an email if you're interested:
