
Done: Paint Master Bedroom Closet

The wife and kid went on vacation, so it's the perfect time to empty everything out of the master bedroom closet and paint it. I should have known that it was going to take longer than I expected, all repairs and renovations on mid-century homes seem to. I was hoping to get things done in a few hours, but two days isn't bad for the outcome.

Here's what things looked like before I got started.
My wife's side

My side

Must have been painted by a shorty because they didn't paint the top

The first surprise was that my wife's side of the closet was painted wallpaper. I was planning on just painting both sides white and being done with things. But the wallpaper meant that I had to tear some things out first.

The second surprise was finding this on the top shelf
I'm guessing it was the original owners and no one noticed it till now because it was so high and far back on the shelf.

The things you find when renovating in Texas

Great mid-century packaging though

The final surprise was under a random piece of wood that probably held a shelf at one point, some of the original wallpaper.

After pulling out the wallpaper I couldn't bring myself to paint the wood, it was just too pretty. Plus I really like the white on one side, wood on the other look. So here's what things look like now.
The white makes my side of the closet look a lot bigger. I'm pretty happy with what it looks like, even if it took two days to get there.

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