
Real Simple Kitchen Remodel

Because I'm obsessed with my future kitchen remodel right now, I'm a little obsessed with other people's kitchen remodels. I really like this Real Simple real-life kitchen makeover.

It includes something that I fell in love with while I was looking for something else entirely different: Schoolhouse Electric hand-painted, modern light fixtures.

On a related note: If anyone knows what to call, or where to find, those multi-colored pendant light fixtures that you see in greasy-spoon diners, retro bars and old-school bowling alleys, please let me know. The kind that look like this light
and this light
had a baby. Kind of like this one, but more monotone and retro (and not ugly)
My Google ninja skills are letting me down and I can't find them anywhere.


  1. Room and Board Home Furnishings has a large selection of patterned lighting. Not sure how mid-century it is but it is worth checking out.


  2. Those are some great lights. Not exactly what I had in mind - but I can't seem to find exactly what I had in mind, so those might be the way we go. Thanks for the suggestion.
