
American of Martinsville Mid-Century Bar

Doing research on Broyhill furniture was pretty interesting, so I'm going to track down information on the other mid-century furniture pieces in our house. Up next, the bar we found on craigslist a few years ago.
It's an American of Martinsville bar.
In the top drawer it has a mechanized tray, with glass holders, that comes out when you open the door. Behind the tray is a mirror and a light to make your barware look swank.
Under that on the left is a cabinet with a drawer for silverware, swizzle sticks, etc. And on the right is a big cabinet to hold the booze.
I'll try to find out more about American of Martinsville and what line the bar might be from.


  1. Did you ever find out what line your bar came from?

  2. I did a follow up post (, but sadly, no, I've never been able to find which exact American of Martinsville line this bar is part of. My best guess it that it's part of a few lines. Thanks for reading.

  3. Look here ( It is part of the dania line.

    I was interested in knowing because I have the complete dining set with table and chairs under this line.

    Hope that helps.

  4. I have the full brochure, and will post it on :))

  5. I'm looking forward to flipping through the whole thing. Thanks

  6. I have two pieces of American Of Martinsville furniture but it is identified by gold plates that are mounted in the drawers rather than carved in the wood, what does that mean?

    1. OMG i know im 10 years too late for this comment but if theres any chance you see this, I would love to talk to you! This is the first place on the internet ive seen the gold plates mentioned at all- Ive been researching for hours because I also have a piece with the gold plates and I cant find any information. Please email me if you found anything about it :) thanks- Jordy

  7. I purchased an American of Martinsville 4 drawer desk but can't find it online anywhere to see if my yard sale find was great or not. There's a stamp on the back that says 7120-10-DESK.

    1. American of Martinsville is almost always a great yard sale find, but if you send me some photos I'll see what I can find about your specific deck.

  8. HELP!!! I can't find my american of Martinsville bar online anywhere-its like it doesn't exist

    1. If you send some photos to I'll see what I can find about your specific bar.

    2. It is fron the Dania Collection

  9. I have one for sale if anyone is interested. Currently listed on San Francisco Craigslist.
